Friday, September 30, 2011

Cape Dorset NU

Cape Dorset Sept. 21 2011. Weather was great when I arrived, but turned nasty the next day and consequently I was stuck an extra day.

It’s funny, one of the GN employees said to me that most communities are the similar; it’s usually things like your accommodations that give you your final impression. I say it’s a little more than that, at least for me.

For the most part the people always seem friendly. They almost are always the first with a hello. Little kids usually want to know your name and may ask what you are doing.
In this town my accommodations were top notch. I’ve stayed in a lot worse places even in southern Canada and the USA. Dorset Suites were nice and they are building an even better place right across the street.

I bought my 3rd Nuna carving here. It wasn't some huge bear or walrus but for what I paid it was a huge bargain and it helped a local kid get some spending money for his hard work.

However the weather turning kind of ruined the experience for me. I hate fall weather even in Ontario. It was cold, rainy and windy on day 2 and sorta stayed that way until I left. The day I was to fly out a thick fog rolled in, so my plane didn't.

I also had an unsolicited comment given to me at the site I was working at. I guess prejudice is everywhere. I won’t repeat the comment because as it is I don't blame the person for feeling that way. I too believe we should have never intruded on these peoples lives. I wonder if somewhere in the African jungle there is someone trying to teach English to a native so he can become “part of society”. Uggg.

Anyway that, and the crappy weather, sadly helped to form my impression of this tiny hamlet. If I have to come back, I hope it when they have more sun and it’s dry.