Thursday, April 21, 2011

Blogging, FH (or Mark lite) and Mark 1.0

I'm not big on blogging. When I found out I was going to Nunavut, one of my coworkers said I should blog. Then I found out what the Internet access is like up there. I also realized I didn't give a rats ass.

Unlike my coworker FH (sometimes known as Mark lite) who blogs like he's Shakespeare. Or did until he took it down.

So if I continue with this thing, it will likely to put things I've found interesting on the web or in emails sent to me.

So for your enjoyment here is one of the monkey pics that Mark 1.0 loves to send when we find a Nunatopic we can beat to death.

Names will be changed to pseudonyms, to protect the innocent. All posts are intended to be take in jest, if Constant Reader is not prepared to proceed in that manner, you are encouraged to not read on.


  1. Hey, you better give me a credit for your disclaimer, or should I say MY discalimer. Quote stealer!!
